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TactiPad drawing board

Raised line drawings for users of all ages

When the drawing paper is placed in the A4 measurement frame of the TactiPad drawing board and pressing down with a regular ball pen, lines will raise instantly, forming a tactile image. Work on a free-hand drawing or use one of the included tools such as ruler, compass, triangle, or protractor for educational, leisure time or professional use.

The tools have well thought-out tactile properties to enable fast and accurate drawing without sight.

Extensions like TactiForma, GraphGrid, CircleFrame and Motorised Drawing Arm (MDA) offer many more options to create particular content.

All-in-all, the TactiPad drawing board is the most enjoyable and versatile drawing board system.

GraphGrid with four tools on TactiPad.
Photo: GraphGrid with four tools on TactiPad.

Overview of all tools​

Ruler Tool

Triangle Tool

Protractor Tool

Photo: close up of the base, two fingers holding one of the ears

Compass Tool

45 Triangle Tool


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