The TactiPad is a versatile drawing board which enables a VIP (Visually Impaired Person) to make a tactile drawing themselves or on which someone else can make a drawing for the VIP. These drawings are made on a thin sheet of plastic foil on top of a layer of rubber. By lightly pressing down on the foil the lines will raise instantly, forming the tactile image. The ergonomic design of the TactiPad and its included drawing tools makes drawing easier and much more enjoyable.

- TactiPad
- Ruler tool
- Triangle tool
- Protractor tool
- Compass tool
- 30 60 90 Triangle trool
- 10 Pins
- Pen
- 50 Sheets of drawing foil
Description of all tools
Here are some details about each of the tools.
Add functionality to your TactiPad
Besides the regular drawing tools, we offer additional accessories.
GraphGrid – draw graphs, tables,
bar charts and other grid-based diagrams
CircleFrame – create pie charts, a clock,
mandalas and other circular drawings
TactiForma – 26 extra Drawing Tools
MDA – Sketch digital drawings on the TactiPad