Raised line drawings for users of all ages
The TactiPad is an A4 sized drawing board with which you can make raised line drawings as VIP (Visual Impaired Person). Or others can make raised line drawings for you. The drawing happens on a thin plastic sheet placed on a rubber subsoil. Upon pressing with a pen or any other pointy device on the sheet, a raised line will develop. This is a very old technique, which makes use of the so-called ‘emboss’ effect, meaning the plastic sheet will be stretched by the tip of the pen. Afterwards, the transformations cannot be undone.
What you get
In addition to the TactiPad drawing board you receive A ruler, a compass, a 30Triangle, a 45triangle, a protractor, a pen, 10 pushpins and 50 sheets of drawing foil for your first creations. All stored in a semi-leather carrying case.
TactiPad for every one
With the TactiPad young children can playfully learn to make beautiful and instructive drawings. Students can do their homework faster and with greater accuracy. Artists of all ages get tools to express their creativity on the TactiPad drawing board. Parents and teachers can use the TactiPad to explain all sorts of subjects. The basic way to draw on the TactiPad is to use the entire A4 surface and the measurement indications along the four sides of the frame. Make freehand drawings with just a pen. Or in addition, use the ruler, the 30triangle, the 45triangle, the protractor or the compass to make construction drawings. Apply pushpins for high precision.
Product characteristics
The drawing board and tools are made out of yellow and black plastic which give a clear contrast. The drawing tools are made with a rubber underside, which prevents them from slipping over the drawing paper. The tactile measurements indication in centimetres are well pronounce so reading distance and measures with the finger tips is convenient. As well as along almost all edges of the tools small indents are provided for even more precision and efficiency. The total size is 27 by 37 centimetres. The weight is 2,5 kilograms.