By making different cardboard templates you can draw elegant repeating and overlapping patterns. This video shows how the small triangle can be used as a reference to make your own templates.
13. CircleFrame – Rubber bands
When the notches around the outside of the CircleFrame are combined with rubber bands, you can a grid of radial lines as guidelines for your drawings, as can be seen in this video.
12. CircleFrame – Drawing patterns
The largest of the three drawing tools that come with the CircleFrame consists of a triangle with different templates on all sides. This video shows how this tool can be combined with the CircleFrame to create interesting overlapping patterns.
11. CircleFrame – Combining with the compasses
This video shows the different ways in which the compasses can be used to make beautiful circular patterns or concentric circles within the CircleFrame.
10. CircleFrame – Drawing a clock
Using the slots in the wedge-shaped tool you can easily draw the hands of a clock, as explained in this video.
09. CircleFrame – Creating pie charts
This next video shows how the clearly defined tactile degrees indicators along the inner edge of the circle in the CircleFrame can be combined with the wedge-shaped tool to create accurate pie charts.
08. CircleFrame – Introduction
This first video shows the different features that make up the CircleFrame, the drawing tools that are supplied with the CircleFrame, how it can be positioned on the TactiPad and how to use the different indicators as a basis for your drawings.