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04. GraphGrid – Coordinate system

This video shows how you can create two- and three-dimensional space on the TactiPad by using rubber bands placed diagonally around the frame of the GraphGrid.

01. GraphGrid – Introduction

This video shows the characteristics of the GraphGrid, the accompanying drawing tool and how it can be placed on the TactiPad drawing board.

01 GraphGrid: getting started

Photo: GraphGrid with four tools on TactiPad.

The GraphGrid is a frame with rubber bands that fits on the TactiPad. It includes four additional tools: hyperbole, parabola, sintang and lens. The configuration of the bands in rows, and/or columns and axes gives it its functionality for X/Y and 3D coordinate systems. For a description of the graph grid frame and on how to modify the configuration of the rubber bands, see the section: GraphGrid frame

For applications of the GraphGrid frame, see the sections:

03 Games and scores
04 Connecting dots; house, cube and more
05 Simple bar chart
06 Drawing a graph in a coordinate system
07 3D coordinate system

The additional tools are applied without the GraphGrid frame. Drawing the axes with the ruler is sufficient.

See the sections:

08 Parabola
09 Hyperbole
10 Sine & Tangent
11 Lens

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