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About TactiPad Drawing Board

The art of drawing tactually – drawing tactile art

The TactiPad has many applications: it is the ideal drawing board for leisure activities, for schoolwork or in your professional career. It can even be used on the go or while travelling.
You can choose whether you want to make a simple sketch by hand, or use the different drawing tools – ruler, triangle, protractor and compasses – for highly accurate drawings. Eight adjustable buttons and measurement indicators around the drawing surface allow you to accurately fix the tools while drawing.

A selection of the possibilities

  • Means of communication between VIPs and sighted people
  • Drawing for fun and exploration
  • Keeping track of the scores in a game
  • Using it as a memo board mounted on the wall
  • Doing your homework (e.g. maths or geography)
  • Making greeting cards or other creative expressions
  • Creating pie charts and other diagrams
  • Carrying it with the shoulder strap to navigate your surroundings with a tactile map, or while creating your own map

TactiPad with drawing tools

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