The equal sided Triangle Template

Detailed description of the triangle template
The templates for the triangles are of the type equal sided triangle. The length of the sides ranges from three to eight centimetres respectively. One outer corner is rounded, the other two are sharp. Along the outside you find indents at every centimetre. They correspond with the corners at the beginning/ending of the inner sides. The body of the triangle is about 12 millimetres wide. On the top surface, you find pushpin markers.
The inner sides have an indent at their halfway position.
On one of the outer sides you find a finger fitter for easy lifting or extra grip.
Utilising the triangle template
When you place the triangle template somewhere on the TactiPad in any orientation and then draw along the inner contour, you create your first triangle.
With the equal sided triangle you can create other shapes: a rectangular triangle of 30, 60 or 90 degrees, a diamond and star.