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Below, you can read the inspiring testimonials from our users. It’s stories like these that drive our passion for tactile graphics here at Thinkable!

  • Designing 30/60/90 degrees triangle tool for the TactiPad
    A math teacher came to us with the question: ‘Can you create a 30/60/90 degree version of a triangle tool for the TactiPad’? He wants his students to draw 3D shapes such as cubes, prisms and pyramids. Being interested to improve/extend the Thinkable products we have taken up this challenge. After describing the details of the ...
  • Jaap Breider introducing Eskandar Abadi to tactile graphics
    In late summer 2021, Thinkable CEO Jaap Breider was visited by journalist Eskandar Abadi and film maker Shahab Kermani. They produced a video for Deutsche Welle TV (Persian department). Jaap was accompanied and interviewed during one day in his house and company headquarters in Huissen (NL). Besides receiving his guest, talking about himself and Thinkable, Jaap ...
  • Emily Schlenker’s story
    As blind students, drawing and the visual aspects of math and science are often dismissed as a waste of time or impossible. This totally disregards those students, like myself who happen to be visual learners. My brain thrives on pictures, in spite of the years of teachers and professors striving to cram me into the ...
  • Theo’s challenge for the MDA
    I was looking forward to finding out what progress had been made on the motorized drawing arm since I saw the prototype at Sight village last year. I heard that it could draw out pictures so I planned a test for it. First I downloaded a copy of my school logo (png file) onto my phone ...