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04 468Triangle

The small triangle tool is placed along the edge of the circle

Photo: 468Triangle

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Global description

The 468triangle is an open triangular shaped frame with a width of one centimetre. The number 468 refers to the steps required for the triangle to return on the exact same position in the circle; four, six or eight steps respectively. Beyond this it serves as a template for ‘home made’ templates.

Detailed description

The corners of the triangle are pointy so they fit in the indents at the edge of the circle of the framework. The length of the sides are designed so they exactly span an arc of 45, 60 or 90 degrees, seen from the centre of the circle. Pushpin markers are located at the top surface.

468Triangle manual

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Square, hexagon and octagon

The 468triangle can have its starting position anywhere in the circle. Tracing along the longest inner side of the triangle results in a square. Tracing the shortest side gives an octagon. The third one an Hexagon.

Home made templates

The 468triangle can serve as an example to create your own drawing templates out of cardboard or an other sturdy material. By giving one side of the template a length similar to one of the triangle sides, it will fit by rotating eight, six or four times in the full 360 degrees of the CircleFrame.

Your template

Cut out an irregular shape from the centre of your template. Place the template against the edge of the circle and trace the inner contour. Depending on the chosen length, rotate the template 45, 60 or 90 degrees to obtain a symmetrical pattern. Recurrence and/or partial overlap will give your drawing an unexpected appeal.

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