The CircleFrame is the name of the product which includes the wedge tool, the 468 triangle and the zigzag triangle, and a frame with a large circle in the middle. The frame itself is called circle frame (no capitals).
Photo: Circle frame positioned on the knobs of the TactiPad.
Detailed description of the circle frame
The circle frame has similar dimensions as the TactiPad (28 cm by 37 cm). The thickness of the frame is four millimetres.
Near the outer edge of the frame oval holes can be found to place the frame in one of three positions on the TactiPad.
For an a-centric position, two additional holes are present at both sides near the circle.
In the middle of the circle frame is a large circle cut out with a diameter of 20 centimetres. This is the actual drawing area for the drawings.
Along the edge of this circle clear tactile markings every five degrees are provided, which form a large protractor.
Around the outside of the circle there are extra markings: a teardrop shape for every 30 degrees, a line for every 45 degrees,
or a combination of both where they coincide at 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees.
Indentations are placed around the outside of the circle frame in which rubber bands can be attached.
These indentations are positioned at every 10 degrees seen from the centre of the circle.
Slightly wider indents make the positions for 0, 30, 45, 60, 90 degrees, etc. easily recognizable
Circle frame manual
Because the circle is exactly in the middle of the circle frame, the frame is horizontally and vertically symmetrical. Therefore, there is no difference in shape between the yellow and black side. The orientation of the circle frame on the TactiPad therefore needs no consideration.
Preparing the TactiPad
Place the knobs of the TactiPad five centimetres away from the corners.
The circle frame can be placed in three different positions: in the middle of the drawing board with the edges coinciding with those of the TactiPad, or in two positions left and right of the centre when in landscape orientation.
Make sure the eight oval holes near the outer edge of the circle frame fit all over a knob.
Photo: Indications run along the edge of the circle: small indents for every 5 degrees, drop shaped ones every 30 degrees and straight ones every 45 degrees.
Insert the tools in the circle
The wedge tool, your templates based on the 468triangle or the zigzag triangle can rotate freely over 360 degrees within the circle.
The drawing tools preferably are aligned with the degree markings along the circle.
For detailed descriptions and manuals of related tools see: