Drawing instructions
Utilising the spur wheel tool
We recommend to use two pushpins to fixate to tool on the TactiPad, because the spur wheel is a relative time consuming shape to create.
Draw the inner contour of the spur wheel and you have created the first step into the mechanical domain.
Interlinking the 12 and 20 teeth spur wheel
Once you have interlinked two spur wheels, you will experience a complex issue: finding the perfect position for one tooth on the one and one tooth on the other wheel to “bite each other”.
The distance between the centre positions of the two spur wheels is 17 centimetres.
Draw a straight line and align the spur wheels with the finger fitters with this line. Carefully check the positions of the teeth! You may need to slightly rotate the second spur wheel.
Finding the centre position of the spur wheel
The open space at the inside of the spur wheel does not make it easy to place the centre on a pre-defined position. You have to create support lines and align the tool with the finger fitters. Let us know your experiences.
Fantasy: Spur wheel as the start for a flower
Use the 12 teeth spur wheel. Combine this with the 6*4 centimetres ellipse in the ‘horizontal’ or ‘vertical’ orientation.
Enclose three teeth within the ellipse and draw the whole or a part from the ellipse. Repeat this three times until you have got all teeth covered.
Alternatively enclose two teeth within the ellipse and draw the shape five times for a more delicate flower.