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Inspirational story

Molecular structure of dopamine

Recently, we were contacted by Emily Schlenker, a blind pre-medical student at Wichita State University. She was born without sight, but that hasn’t slowed down her fascination with organic chemistry. For us at Thinkable, it’s stories like hers that drive our passion for tactile graphics. We are excited to share it with you as end-of-year inspiration.

Molecular structure of dopamine

Blind ‘visual learner’

Emily says: “The TactiPad has been instrumental in my transformation from a fearful and anxious student who lacked the confidence to speak up in class or go to my professor in private with my questions, into a strong participant in lectures and study sessions who is often right on the money with the answers.”

Another intriguing aspect of her story is that she describes herself as being a visual learner, regardless of her visual impairment. “My brain thrives on pictures,” she says, “my mental acuity and ability to do organic chemistry in my head from memory has improved exponentially. If I can draw, I can remember.”

Aid for assignments and exams

Despite the initially steep learning curve, she has rapidly become very skilful in making tactile drawings that enable her to get the most out of her participation in the academic world. “After working with the TactiPad, I am now confident enough to present my pictures as visual aids for my questions or as parts of assignments. Hearts and happy faces are alright, but this thing is life altering. Without it, I would not be preparing to take the MCAT exam next summer.”

For us, it certainly was heart-warming to read Emily’s personal story. If you too have experience with the Thinkable products that you wish to share with other (future) users, do not hesitate to contact us!

Read Emily's full story here

We wish you a wonderful holiday season from us at Thinkable and all the best in 2018!

TactileView – Get better results with the new tutorial section

Are you producing tactile images and other materials for blind readers, or planning to do so? And would you like to discover how TactileView can help you to create outstanding tactile graphics with minimal effort?

Then our manual page and newly added tutorial section might be the ideal place for you to start. Our first tutorial covers how to find a suitable image on the internet and which software functions to use to convert it into a tactile diagram. With either the step by step guide or the included video, you will find out how easy it can be to produce your very own high quality tactile graphics.

Screenshot of the TactileView manual page

The tutorials will show you the process of creating tactile graphics, whereas the manual section explains each software function separately and more extensively. If you wish to discover more about any of the software functions that are used in the tutorial, simply follow the links in the tutorial, which will bring you to the various richly illustrated manual sections that will cover them in more detail.

Windows 10 supported

Microsoft has recently released their latest version of their operating system – Windows 10. For those that wish to upgrade we have good news: support for TactileView v2.200 also includes Windows 10.

In case you are using printer drivers for your printer or embosser that where supplied from the manufacturer, you may have to check the producer’s website to make sure they are compatible with Windows 10.

Presenting the MDA’s prototype 2

Motorised Drawing Arm - prototype 2

In recent months, we have made major progress again in the development of the Motorised Drawing Arm (MDA). In this newsletter, we are excited to share the latest developments. We also invite you to come and see the device in action at the TifloInnova exhibition on 17-19 November in Madrid (for further details, see below).

Motorised Drawing Arm - prototype 2

MDA prototype 2

The first important improvement in the second MDA prototype is the use of a new type of motor that applies pressure to the pen. The new setup will ensure that the pen can move over the height of the 8 TactiPad buttons irrespective of their positions. Also, the new motor better accommodates the slight variations in height across the TactiPad. This results in a consistent quality of the tactile lines across the entire drawing surface.

In the following video, you can see the remarkable speed and precision of the new prototype is if you selected an image from the catalog and pressed the sketch button:

USB connection and WIFI access

Besides connecting the MDA via USB directly to the computer, it can now also be connected wirelessly via Wifi because of the addition of a Raspberry Pi to the system. This way, it can even be operated using your mobile phone or any other mobile device! This offers brand new ways for students and teachers to work with educational graphics.

MDA catalog

Currently, the TactileView software includes a catalog with thousands of ready-to-use tactile graphics. We plan to set up a similar catalog of images specifically for sketching on the MDA.
You can already visit our demo version of the MDA catalog, which includes a first set of designs as an example. In the future, you can directly drive your MDA from this online catalog from any browser on your pc, mobile phone or tablet.

Your suggestions

We are very interested to hear which content you would like to produce when you would have an MDA on your desk. When visiting the MDA catalog page, we welcome you to think about which categories or which specific pre-made graphics you would like to find in the catalog. Or even better, send us your ideas or images that you would like to see produced on the MDA!

TifloInnova exhibition in Madrid

Jaap and Niels from Thinkable will be present at the TifloInnova exhibition, giving a hands-on demonstration of the TactiPad drawing board, TactileView software and of course the new MDA prototype.

The exhibition is held from 17-19 November in the ONCE Sports and Cultural Centre in the north of Madrid. Admission is free for all visitors. When you are there, we invite you to pay us a visit in booth 4. For further details, see the TifloInnova website.

TactileView version 2.200 now available!

We proudly announce the new release of the TactileView design and production software: version 2.200!

Thinkable logo in TactileView

Once again, the software has been extended with new and improved features and the overall efficiency has increased. A lot of improvements have been made based on feedback from you. We want to thank all of you for your contributions!

A few eye-catching (or should we say fingertip-catching?) changes in version 2.200:

In the release notes on our website, you can find the full list of exciting new features. In the following newsletters, we will highlight some of the other new additions and improvements in TactileView.

So feel free to download version 2.200 and update your registered version free of charge, or run it in demo mode before you decide to buy a software licence. You can purchase a software licence in the Thinkable webshop.

P.S. Some of the articles that are linked to above will give you a sneak preview of the new extensive online user guide that we are currently creating for TactileView.

Come visit us at SightCity 2015 in Frankfurt, Germany

Map of Germany in TactileView

On May 20-22, Germany’s biggest annual exhibition in the field of specialized aids for the blind and visually impaired – SightCity 2015 – will be held in the Sheraton Hotel in Frankfurt, Germany.

This year we will join our German distributor, Blista Brailletec, in booth D1 in the main exhibition hall. Visit us to get a hands-on demonstration of the TactiPad drawing board or get a feel of the possibilities of tactile graphics with TactileView.

We are looking forward to meet you in Frankfurt!

Presenting the MDA’s prototype 2

Motorised Drawing Arm - prototype 2

In recent months, we have made major progress again in the development of the Motorised Drawing Arm (MDA). In this newsletter, we are excited to share the latest developments. We also invite you to come and see the device in action at the TifloInnova exhibition on 17-19 November in Madrid (for further details, see below).

Motorised Drawing Arm - prototype 2

MDA prototype 2

The first important improvement in the second MDA prototype is the use of a new type of motor that applies pressure to the pen. The new setup will ensure that the pen can move over the height of the 8 TactiPad buttons irrespective of their positions. Also, the new motor better accommodates the slight variations in height across the TactiPad. This results in a consistent quality of the tactile lines across the entire drawing surface.

In the following video, you can see the remarkable speed and precision of the new prototype is if you selected an image from the catalog and pressed the sketch button:

USB connection and WIFI access

Besides connecting the MDA via USB directly to the computer, it can now also be connected wirelessly via Wifi because of the addition of a Raspberry Pi to the system. This way, it can even be operated using your mobile phone or any other mobile device! This offers brand new ways for students and teachers to work with educational graphics.

MDA catalog

Currently, the TactileView software includes a catalog with thousands of ready-to-use tactile graphics. We plan to set up a similar catalog of images specifically for sketching on the MDA.
You can already visit our demo version of the MDA catalog, which includes a first set of designs as an example. In the future, you can directly drive your MDA from this online catalog from any browser on your pc, mobile phone or tablet.

Your suggestions

We are very interested to hear which content you would like to produce when you would have an MDA on your desk. When visiting the MDA catalog page, we welcome you to think about which categories or which specific pre-made graphics you would like to find in the catalog. Or even better, send us your ideas or images that you would like to see produced on the MDA!

TifloInnova exhibition in Madrid

Jaap and Niels from Thinkable will be present at the TifloInnova exhibition, giving a hands-on demonstration of the TactiPad drawing board, TactileView software and of course the new MDA prototype.

The exhibition is held from 17-19 November in the ONCE Sports and Cultural Centre in the north of Madrid. Admission is free for all visitors. When you are there, we invite you to pay us a visit in booth 4. For further details, see the TifloInnova website.

Presence at 4 exhibitions brings valuable feedback and results

Over the course of the last three months, we have been present at four different exhibitions: CSUN, CTEBVI, ZieZo and SightCity. We want to send out our appreciation and thanks to all of you who that visited us there. Your reactions and new ideas always more than make up for the effort that goes into attending these exhibitions!

TactileScope with a number of 3D shapes

Eye catcher – TactileScope
At the exhibitions, we gave the visitors a first look at the TactileScope – an educational tool that is used to teach the concept of perspective in a tactile image. The device consists of three circles that can rotate freely over 360 degrees in order to position a central object in any particular orientation.
The TactileScope has the same bright yellow colour as TactiPad, and with its intriguing shape it attracted quite some attention, resulting in a lot of interesting conversations about the device and its application.

TactiPad drawing board, CircleFrame and GraphGrid
It always gives great satisfaction to see the smile on people’s faces when they discover the versatility and clever design aspects that characterize our range of products.
Some parents buy the TactiPad right away when they see their child creating circles and other shapes with an ease that they never experienced before. Others could not wait to start using it in their profession as a teacher or interpreter for the deafblind. And many blind visitors wished they would have had a TactiPad when they were young and still at school.
We love seeing our products come to life in the hands of our visitors!

Input and reactions from our visitors
The TactileView software also received great feedback from users. Ideas and feedback come from professional designers that create tactile graphics on a daily basis, from teachers, from interpreters for deafblind people, from parents of blind children, from technologists and scientists, etc. We have incorporated many of these in the upcoming release of the TactileView software (version 2.200).

User suggestion: manipulating smaller parts of the design
One of the many suggestions for new software features from the TactileView users was the application of filters on a selected area in the design.
For this, the ‘Select Area’ tool has been customized to include two variations: the rectangular area selection or vertical/horizontal strips.

Adding or removing vertical or horizontal areas in the design

Selected strips can be used to remove a vertical or horizontal area, or to add this amount of white space to the design. A preview when hovering over the green plus sign will display the addition, whereas hovering over the red minus sign shows the design with the deleted area. Simply clicking on either sign will confirm the action.

A filter applied on a part of the design

The rectangular area can be rotated or mirrored just with one mouse click. The selected content can now be processed using the filters (in previous releases they affected the entire design).

A pin board gave the inspiration almost 30 yers ago

3D printers and braille matrices
3D print technology is a fast growing method of producing all sorts of objects for fun and education. Many libraries with large numbers of three-dimensional objects have been established, similar to the TactileView catalog with premade tactile images. Holding these printed objects in your hand is a great way to learn about a wide range of different concepts and subjects.
In books and web pages however, the same three-dimensional objects are presented in ‘flattened’, two-dimensional images and photos, giving a completely different impression. This is where tactile graphics made with TactileView come into play.

Printing in braille (or on swellpaper) and as 3D objects takes time. Moreover, a print cannot be changed once it has been printed. How nice would it be then, to have a large refreshable braille display that could cover an entire page!

Several companies are currently developing the technology for the pins, making them small enough to fit in a small space; fast enough so it would take not too long to present a new image; and importantly, cheap enough so we can all have access to such a device.
TactileView has so far been used to prepare images for printing on a braille embosser or on swellpaper, but in fact we have always been waiting for the day a matrix of braille pins would become available. Over the last few months we were approached by a number of people that are working on these technologies. They are more than interested to work with TactileView, as they see how the expertise in producing tactile graphics is ready to be used for this new type of dynamic matrix application. So… stay tuned for the next step in the innovation of tactile graphics!

New tutorial – Editing challenging images with TactileView

Tactile map of the Mediterranean cruise

For us, the last few months have seen a busy schedule of visiting conferences and exhibitions, bringing back a wealth of new ideas and contacts. Luckily, we were able to let all the new inspiration sink in during our summer holidays.

And what better way to prepare a vacation than with a series of useful tactile graphics! By making these images accessible as tactile graphics with TactileView, Jaap was able to have the same fun in anticipation of the trip as the rest of his family.

Tactile map of the Mediterranean cruise

Map of the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and Spain

New tutorial: Editing challenging images

The production of these maps and images is a great example of how the new curved shape drawing tool in the upcoming version of TactileView will provide an effective tool for converting challenging images to tactile graphics. You can find the new tutorial in the online TactileView manual.

Additional images during the trip

Of course, numerous useful tactile images could be prepared for such a trip. For example: floor plans, menus and other images related to the cruise ship; street plans and images of the most interesting landmarks in the cities in which the ship will anchor, etc. Therefore we also brought the TactiPad drawing board with us during the trip, so my family members could show me in an instant what was relevant during each stage of the journey.

10 jaar Thinkable / 10th anniversary!

English version of this newsletter below

Thinkabe 10 jaar - verjaardagstaart / 10 year anniversary cake

Thinkable bestaat 10 jaar – profiteer van 10% feestkorting!

Thinkable, ons bedrijf dat hulpmiddelen ontwikkelt voor mensen met een visuele beperking, bestaat dit jaar alweer 10 jaar! Een mooi moment om eens stil te staan bij de vele ontwikkelingen in die periode, met TactileView en TactiPad als meest bekende producten.

Wij nodigen u dan ook van harte uit om ons te komen bezoeken op de ZieZo-beurs in Houten. Van donderdag 9 april tot zaterdag 11 april laten wij in stand nr. 49 weer de TactileView teken- en productiesoftware zien, waarvan binnenkort een nieuwe versie verschijnt. Ook het TactiPad tekenbord met al zijn accessoires kunt u er bekijken en betasten.

En wie jarig is trakteert: profiteer op de ZieZo-beurs van onze feestkorting van 10% op de artikelen die u bij ons ter plekke aanschaft.

Wij zien uit naar een feestelijk jubileumjaar en een inspirerende toekomst samen met u.


This year marks the 10th anniversary for Thinkable, our company that develops tools and services for the visually impaired. The best known products, the TactileView drawing software and the TactiPad drawing board, will be on show with a 10 % discount during the national ZieZo exhibition, held from April 9 to 11 in Houten, Netherlands.

We are looking forward to an exciting year and inspiring future with you.

TactileView – New version 2.200 coming soon!

In just a few weeks’ time, a new version of the TactileView software will be released. In this version we have introduced a number of new features that were requested by our users.

To give you a glimpse of what is to come, we would like to highlight two of the new software features in two short videos. The first one is the ‘dot view’. In this view mode, your designs will be shown in braille dots on screen, just as the document will appear on paper. In other words, what you see is what you feel!

Another important addition is the combination with the Duxbury Braille Translator (DBT). Their new release 11.3 and the new TactileView version 2.200 will allow you to easily create a single document with both text AND graphics in braille!

If you are attending the ATIA conference, held January 27-31 in Orlando, Florida, please visit the Irie-AT booth (nr. 209) for a personal try-out.

You are also kindly invited for Jeff Gardner’s presentation of TactileView, on Friday January 30 from 2.20 pm until 3.20 pm.

TactileView design in Dot view, with individual braile dots shown on screen
Photo: Screenshot of TactileView design in dot view

Read moreTactileView – New version 2.200 coming soon!