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12.01 Owner/Administrator registration

Owner/Administrator registration

If the MDA is connected to the internet, you can register your MDA with Thinkable by providing the requested information on the Owner/Administrator registration page. Upon registration you will receive future information on developments and on updates of the MDA.

Note that a number of the fields are mandatory. The password you enter will not be send nor stored with Thinkable, the password is only stored locally. If you forget your password, you have the possibility to request a new password, which will be send to the email address you have provided during registration.

If you have registered earlier and enter the registration page again, existing data is shown (note that this includes the password, although the password is only shown as ****). You can modify any of your registered data at any time by making changes to the appropriate fields any than resubmit your registration data. Note that you do not have to re-enter your password if you do not intend to modify this.

If you have no internet connection, you can still partially register your MDA, although the registration data will not be shared with Thinkable. Note that in this case, you can only provide a temporary password, as we wouldn’t be able to supply you with a new password in case you forgot your current password. See also chapter 12.02 on more information on default and temporary passwords.

12.04 Configuring Hotspot

On the Network setup page, you can see whether the MDA is connected to a WIFI network or is functioning as a WIFI-hotspot. If the MDA is connected to a WIFI network, disconnect from this network and the MDA will reconfigure itself to start acting as a WIFI hotspot again. If you then connect to a WIFI network again, the WIFI-hotspot functionality will stop. This means that the MDA can either be connected to a network (either wired or wireless), or can be a WIFI hotspot.

On the lower part of the Network setup page you can change the name of the MDA on the network (default is mda), change the name of the WIFI hotspot network (default is mda-hotspot) and change the wifi password of the hotspot (default is 12345678). You also have to provide the two-digit country code here (see chapter 7.03).

Note that there is no need to change the MDA’s name or hotspot name in case of a single MDA. This only needs to be done if there are multiple MDA’s on your network. In this case the MDA’s should not have the same name nor should they broadcast the same hotspot SSID’s.

12.02 Password Protection

The setup pages of the MDA are password protected, in order to safeguard you from unintentional changes to the registration or network setup by yourself or by others.

A new MDA, straight out of the box, has the default password of: admin. If you are connected to the internet, you can perform a full owner registration, and set your own password instead of using the default one.

If you have forgotten your password, there is a submit button for requesting a new password from Thinkable next to the login prompt on the setup page. Note that you need an internet connection to do so. This new password will be send to the email address you have used for the registration of the MDA. It might take a few minutes to arrive.

If you have no internet access, and still want to use your own password, you still can enter a password, but this password will expire after six hours. This is so you have a temporary means to protect the MDA, but as there is no password retrieval mechanism without an internet connection, the password can only be temporry.

When you are finished with registration and/or network setup, it is good practice to logout from these pages, seeing there is no password required for any of the other operations on the MDA.

If you have obtained your MDA from an earlier owner, and this person has forgotten to wipe the password, there is the possibility to request a factory-reset password from Thinkable. On the Setup page, there is a request button for this. Upon clicking this button, you will so an template of the request form that you need to fill-in and email to Thinkable. You will then receive a password from Thinkable, allowing you to reset all earlier entered owner/administration data.

13.01 Troubleshooting

This section lists the issues that have occasionally happened during tests, and how to solve them should they occur again.

Arm blocked

If the movement of the arm has been obstructed, shut the MDA down with the on/off switch at the back. See section 2.02 “Unobstructed drawing”.

Lost connection (TactileView)

In some cases, TactileView will lose the connection with the MDA after it has been running for a while. The simplest way to solve this is to restart TactileView; the MDA should then function normally again.

Interface not accessible

First try restarting your browser. If this does not solve the problem, restart the MDA.

No connection possible (TactileView)

When the MDA still fails to respond after restarting TactileView, first check if all the cables are connected correctly. Next, check if the COM port (see chapter 10.01) is still entered correctly.

Drawing foil tears

The drawing foil is very thin and can tear when too much force is applied. To stop this from happening again, make sure the drawing foil is fixed on the TactiPad as tight as possible. Avoid drawing too many intersecting lines, as these will weaken the foil. Lastly, make sure to replace the foil before between each drawing.

Slow or jittery movement (TactileView)

When the MDA does not operate as smoothly as it normally would, it is best to switch it off and restart TactileView.